Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m.
Regular Weekly Worship at 10:15 a.m.
Live Stream Also Available (See below)

Welcome to Broadway Covenant Church
Broadway Covenant Church is a vibrant fellowship, connected to the Evangelical Covenant Church but guided and governed by its own Rockford area membership and Broadway Covenant Church bylaws. We keep our activities and organization vital through continual input from our members, participants and friends. Our worship services, church activities and organizational structure adapt to serve and fulfill our members and participants.
Pastor Mike Mirakian
Sunday's Live Stream
What We Believe.
Broadway is a Christian church, which means we believe in Jesus Christ and try to follow the example of life He set for us. Jesus is God’s Son who came to earth to be our Savior through His life, death and resurrection. He died on the cross, taking our sin on Himself, accepting the punishment we deserve and setting us free. God raised Jesus to new life, breaking the bonds of death and opening the way for us to inherit eternal life through our Savior. We are saved by God’s overflowing grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Broadway is an evangelical church, which means we believe in the good news about Jesus and are called to share that news with the world. The forgiveness of sin and the gift of new life through Jesus is wonderful news. It is the best news we have ever heard, and we want to share it with everyone. So, we invite family and friends to join us in following Jesus and to find the joy of salvation that fills our hearts. We reach out to our community to share God’s love and message. We support missionaries who take the good news across the US and around the world.
We affirm the centrality of the word of God.
We affirm the necessity of the new birth.
We affirm a commitment to the whole mission of the church.
We affirm the church as a fellowship of believers.
We affirm a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit.
We affirm the reality of freedom in Christ.
Join a Community
Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table.
One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal.
If you are interested in joining a community group please email us directly.