Outreach Opportunities

The Outreach and Evangelism Committee wants to provide some opportunities for all members to experience “service to the least of these” out in the community. So, we are going to plan two maybe three opportunities each year, at organizations we support, for a group of us to serve together. I am going to list a few options below and we will have sign-up sheets in the narthex at church for you to add your name to indicate your preference. You can vote for more than one! It’s kind of a voting so we can pick the two that most people would enjoy. This is NOT a sign up to serve. Once we schedule it, everyone will have an opportunity to commit
to serving at that time.

1. Rockford Rescue Mission – serve dinner meals to the residents from 6-8 pm Monday-Saturday. It can be
a one hour shift or the whole time.
2. Rockford Rescue Mission – praying over the resident’s bunks. During the day, while the residents are in
programs, we would pray over their bunks and leave encouraging notes to let them know we were there.
3. Pregnancy Care Center – adopt a mother for a year. This would need the Leadership Team to approve a
dollar amount so we could be responsive to needs that a small baby might have. We would be helping
them with special situations, encouraging them, keeping in contact with them, offering rides to doctor’s
appointments, etc. we would be stand-in parents for the new mom.
4. Women’s Crisis Chapel – doing an evening chapel service. Each evening from 5-6 pm groups come in
and do a short chapel service for the women and their children. Bible readings, a short teaching, music,
and singing make-up the service. Some women provide support to the residents with children if they need
special attention. This opportunity is for WOMEN ONLY.
Please help us in trying to encourage one another to serve outside of Broadway with the love of Christ.

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