Pastor Mike’s Blog: New Beginnings This Fall

What an exciting time it will be this fall at Broadway! First, we will celebrate the birth of a new Covenant church plant right here at Broadway on September 1. Then, we will kick-off the new ministry season, with Sunday School and other weekly activities resuming after Labor Day. And we have invited church friends and family to our Homecoming Celebration on September 22. God is at work among us, and we will be blessed by all that He accomplishes in our midst.

Church Plant Celebration
At the end of July, the Central Conference announced they had accepted Broadway’s offer to host the Latina church plant. Mario and Patty Torres are moving into one of our rental homes as they transition to Rockford, and they have already begun building relationships within our church and into the surrounding community.

We will host a Church Plant Celebration after worship on Sunday, September 1. The other Rockford-area Covenant churches will join us for lunch, and conference superintendent Danny Martinez will lead the celebration. This day will mark the birth of a new church. Please join me in praying for the Torres family and for their ministry to our Spanish-speaking neighbors.

Please also pray for the Torres’ sons, Mario (Jr.) and Jonathan, as they settle into Rockford and join their parents in this new adventure. Mario is a sophomore in college, transferring this year from Moody to Jud-son University. Jonathan is a freshman in high school. We look forward to getting to know the Torres family and helping them establish their new church.

Immerse: Kingdoms
This fall, we will resume Immerse, the Bible reading program we started last year. The adult Sunday School class and the Wednesday evening discussion group will read through Immerse: Kingdoms, which in-cludes several Old Testament historical books beginning with Joshua and continuing through 2 Kings. Last year, we read the entire New Testament and the first five books of the OT. Reading large sections of scripture and gathering for discussion each week has been a tremendous blessing for everyone who has participated.

Even if you missed the first year of Immerse, please consider joining us this fall. Books are available in the adult classroom for $10. If you prefer to listen on your mobile device, a free podcast version is available. The Sunday School class begins September 8 at 9:00 a.m., and the Wednesday group begins September 11 at 6:30 p.m. Please complete the first section of reading before the first class.

Homecoming Celebration
We are also excited about the Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, September 22. Invitations have already started going out to former church members and friends, inviting them to join us for worship followed by our church picnic at Olson Swedish Heritage Park (7901 Harlem Rd. in Caledonia).

Broadway has touched many lives through the years, and we would like to reconnect with people who may have moved on to another place of worship or left the Rockford area. The Homecoming Celebration will be a time to see old friends, share stories and give thanks for the ways God has used Broadway to share the love and message of Jesus through the years. If you would like to invite a family member or friend who used to attend Broadway, printed invitations are available in the office and outside the sanctuary.

Picture of update

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