Church Plant Celebration!

I was born and raised in Guatemala City. I studied Business Administration during college, where I met my wife Patty, and we got married in 1997. God gave us two children despite the medical diagnosis that we could not have children. My oldest son Mario Josue studies communications in college and my youngest son Jonathan is in his first year of High School.

I have more than 22 years of having given my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and since then my wife and I have had the privilege to serve him through different ministries. God has given me a passion to share the Good News of salvation to all those who do not yet know about Christ.
I began my theological studies at the Hispanic Bible Seminary in the city of Chicago, with the purpose of preparing myself to serve the Lord with more excellence.

As first-generation immigrants, we have closely lived and experienced the needs of the Hispanic people in this country, and we feel identified with the problems that the Hispanic community faces today.

We are very excited about how God is working in the city of Rockford, joining forces with the local churches of the Evangelical Covenant and granting me the unmerited privilege of serving as Hispanic Pastor for Evan-gelical Covenant Church Eternal Life.

“And this is eternal life: that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” John 17:3

The Superintendent of the Central Conference, Danny Martinez, was here to preach during the celebration on September 1, 2019.

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