Devotions In Colossians – June 4 From Pastor Mike

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

In ancient times, kings would send emissaries to deliver messages or to oversee important work in faraway places, and these representatives would serve on behalf of the king, as though their words and actions were actually the king’s. They could speak in the name of the king, meaning that what they said carried the king’s authority. In a similar way today, diplomats and members of the military represent their country, acting and speaking on behalf of their national leaders. That’s a lot of power to be entrusted with, and a lot of responsibility. Not only do their words and actions carry great authority, but what they do and say reflects back on the one who gave them that authority. Anything good they accomplish is credited to the one they represent, and any failure or mistake tarnishes their master’s reputation.

If you are a follower of Jesus, you have been sent into the world as his representative to share Jesus’ love and message with others. You have been given authority in his name to pray, serve, invite people to faith, even to perform miracles in the power of the Spirit. At the same time, what you do and say reflects back on Jesus. The world around us learns who Jesus is by watching his followers. Jesus has entrusted us with great authority and great responsibility. “Whatever you do…” That covers everything, all your words and all your actions, all the successes and all the failures. “… do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

As we take this statement to heart, we may need to reconsider some of our words and deeds. If I am representing Jesus right now, what should I do? If my words are spoken in Jesus’ name, what should I say? This high standard for Christian living may feel like a burden, and you may not know what to do or say that would truly represent our Lord. Don’t forget, a few verses before we read about the Christ-like virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness and love (Col. 3:12-14). When you act and speak in these ways, you imitate Jesus and can feel good about doing all things in his name. You represent Jesus in this world. You belong to him. You are called by his name. Jesus has entrusted you and all his followers with the great mission of sharing his love and message with the world, in word and deed.

Jesus, You are good and glorious. Thank You for calling me to follow You. Help me to speak and to act in ways that show the world who You are and that bring honor to Your name. I am humbled and grateful to serve, live and pray in Your wonderful name. Amen.
Pastor Mike Mirakian
Broadway Covenant Church

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