Devotions In Colossians – June 14 From Pastor Mike

Colossians 4:7-9

Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts. He is coming with Onesimus, our faithful and dear brother, who is one of you. They will tell you everything that is happening here.

I hope you have a Tychicus or an Onesimus in your life. I hope you know a faithful and dear brother or sister who encourages your heart. We all need that. We carry heavy burdens and let the worries of life weigh us down. We stumble over our own poor decisions and fall into traps set by others. Life can be hard, and we need good, faithful friends who will walk alongside us to lend strength when we are weak, to speak hopeful words when we are discouraged, to offer wise advice when we don’t know which way to go, and to love us no matter what.

Tychicus was a close friend and ministry partner of Paul. He is mentioned in several of Paul’s letters as one entrusted with a message of encouragement and as one who hand delivered Paul’s words. Onesimus is likely the same man Paul wrote to Philemon about, asking that he be treated with mercy after having abandoned his duties. Both of these men were faithful followers of Jesus who served the Gospel alongside Paul. Even though their roles were relatively minor, their contributions were valued by the early church and recognized by God. They brought encouragement to the Colossians, and that is no trivial matter for any of us.

Most of us serve God’s Kingdom like Tychicus and Onesimus. We aren’t famous like Paul, and the details of our lives won’t be recorded for future generations. But we still have roles to play in the Kingdom, and if all we do is speak words of encouragement and hope to those around us, we will have served Jesus mightily. In the midst of troubles and challenges, our kind, helpful words can be like cold water to parched lips. We can pray for those in need. We can offer a helping hand to those who stumble. We can listen to those who worry. We can share God’s love with those who seem lost or alone. Our ministry of encouragement can point someone in need back to Jesus where they will find new strength and lasting hope.

Thank You, Father, for using people like me to build and sustain Your church. Give me helpful and encouraging words to share with those around me, and use me to be a blessing to others, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Mike Mirakian

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