9-10-21 Devotions In Psalms

Psalm 23:5-6

You prepare a feast for me

    in the presence of my enemies.

You honor me by anointing my head with oil.

    My cup overflows with blessings.

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me

    all the days of my life,

and I will live in the house of the Lord


At the beginning of this beautiful song of praise and thanksgiving, David felt comforted because he had all that he needed, and now he rejoices that his “cup overflows with blessings.” That’s a strong statement. It’s one thing to feel satisfied, but an overflowing cup of blessings reveals more than a life of abundance; it points to a heart of gratitude. Far too often, we think our cups are, as the saying goes, half empty. We grumble about what we lack or what others have instead of giving thanks for the blessings God provides. No one’s life is perfect, including David’s. He faced trouble, hunger and disappointment, but he also rejoiced over the good things God gave him. In this life, you won’t get everything your heart desires, but your heart can still feel the joy of an overflowing cup.

How? By developing the same eternal perspective David had. He trusted that God’s goodness and love would “pursue” him all the days of his life, and he looked ahead to the glorious “forever” when he would live in God’s presence. We may be tempted to count our blessings in dollars and cents or to measure God’s goodness by the tangible stuff of this world. If so, we will always end up disappointed. The truth of scripture assures us that God’s greatest blessings are more valuable and last longer than the world’s luxuries. Through Jesus Christ, God has promised us eternal life in “the house of the Lord,” where we will want for nothing and where our cups will continually overflow.

The challenge for us today is to embrace this promise-believing, eternal perspective even through the ups and downs of everyday life. When your needs seem to outnumber your blessings, will you still join David in rejoicing? When you receive good things, will you still give honor to God’s name and follow the right paths He sets before you? Whether burdened or blessed in this life, the Lord’s “goodness and unfailing love” remain constant, and the promise of eternal life in Jesus endures forever. Truly, your cup overflows with blessings.

Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness and unfailing love. You bless me more than I deserve and have promised that I will live in Your presence forever. I rejoice in who You are and in all that You do for me. Help me to walk in Your ways and to feel the joy of Your grace, through Jesus my Savior. Amen.
Pastor Mike Mirakian

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