10-1-21 Devotions In Psalms

Psalm 32:6-7

Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time,

    that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.

For you are my hiding place;

    you protect me from trouble.

    You surround me with songs of victory.

When I was about 10 years old, I turned half my bedroom closet into a little hiding place. I arranged pillows and blankets so I could sit snuggly by myself with the closet door mostly closed. With a flashlight I could read or just get away from everyone and be alone for a while. My little closet corner was a safe place of peace and rest. We all need hiding places and quiet sanctuaries where we can escape from the stresses of life. A comfy chair. A shady tree. A back porch. These days, a hiding place might be known as a “man cave” or a “she shed,” but I don’t think David was familiar with those terms!

David had several hiding places. He often took shelter in wilderness caves, including the time he had to hide from King Saul at the back of a cave at En Gedi. For a shepherd, a warrior and later a king, hiding places were strategically important in David’s life. He also knew, however, that his most vital hiding place was not a wilderness cave or a fortress of stone. For David, God’s care and protection was his best hiding place. As we have seen in the previous verses, Psalm 32 is about David’s confession of sin and the joyful relief that came with the assurance of God’s forgiveness. Being set free from the guilt of sin felt like deliverance, even victory for David, and he learned that when he humbly confessed his sin, the Lord’s grace offered refuge and peace.

Where is your hiding place? It’s a helpful spiritual discipline to go to a special place, perhaps at the same time each day, to be with God in prayer, Bible reading and worshipful devotion. Jesus often went away by himself to quiet places to pray, sometimes late at night or early in the morning. He also advised his disciples to pray in a quiet room with the door closed (Matthew 6:6). These devotional spaces can become sacred and can help us listen more faithfully to the Spirit’s voice, as our hearts find peace in the safety and quiet of a hiding place. But don’t forget that God himself is your hiding place. The presence of the Spirit enfolds you with blessing, protection and peace. Wherever you are, whether alone or surrounded by people and noise, you can hide in the Lord’s strong arms. As you open your heart to him in faith, God protects you from trouble and surrounds you with songs of victory.

Mighty and Gracious God, You are my hiding place. Watch over me and those I love. Keep us safe and help us to walk on the path You set before us. Give me times of rest and peace in Your holy presence and then send me out to share Your love with others. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Mike Mirakian

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