Mission Board Report for March 2022

This month please pray for Peter and Ruth Dutton who are in Thailand. Peter and Ruth started their mis-sionary career in 1981 working in Thailand’s refugee camps. After three years, they attended Fuller School of World Mission and have been serving mostly in Laos and Thailand ever since. Last year Thailand received some of the worst flooding in decades. Their church leadership saw a need and moved quickly to mitigate and meet the need. They also installed a new solar pump. Both projects received funding from Covenant World Relief. Peter and Ruth have just returned to Thailand from a visit to the U.S. to visit family and friends and welcome their 5th grandchild. Please pray for wisdom, guidance and protection for Peter and Ruth and their ministry in Thailand.

Peter and Anna-Asia
Pray: for Anna as she leads a weekly Women’s Fellowship group and for Peter as he teaches on emotional healing to church members.
Covenant Youth of Alaska
Praise: Despite Covid they still had times of campfires, smores, basketball, crafts, caring for, talking with, and learning of burdens the youth were carrying. They were able to celebrate to gift of Jesus with them.

Picture of update

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