May 2022 Message From Pastor Mike: “Abundantly Blessed for Good Work “

Years ago, I attended a once-thriving church and was shocked to see how small the congregation was inside their large, beautiful sanctuary. I was taken there by a friend who lived nearby, and when the service ended, I asked my friend how the church could survive with so few people. He assured me that they had a large endowment that would keep the building open for years even if none of the current members contributed.

On the other hand, some churches have to close their doors because they can’t pay their bills. When a boiler dies or the roof leaks, some congregations can’t afford to keep going. Even spiritually healthy churches can succumb to financial pressures.

All of these are sad stories. Money may make the world go round, but it shouldn’t be the lifeblood of the church. We depend on the Holy Spirit and the life-changing message of Jesus far more than our balance sheet. And yet, churches can’t thrive or even survive without consistent, faithful financial support.

We are blessed to be part of a church that is both spiritually healthy and financially sound. Of course, we would love to see our pews more full each Sunday and to have a nursery bursting with littles ones, but for the size and age of our congregation, Broadway continues to thrive in ministry and fellowship. We have a rich heritage behind us and a bright future ahead.

Spiritual growth, commitment to mission, faithfulness to God’s word, joyful worship, loving fellow- ship – these essential characteristics prove our church is healthy. In addition, God has blessed us financially, keeping our ministry securely funded, even during the past two years of pandemic and economic turmoil.

As we continue to prioritize spiritual growth and faithfulness to Christ, we also need to sustain our fi- nancial faithfulness. As you know, we have dealt with a number of expensive building projects in recent years (windows, roof, HVAC, parking lot, etc.), and we have more projects on the table this year. Like all buildings, our church property needs maintenance, repairs and occasional renovation.

As your pastor, my role is not to repair electrical circuits or replace machinery. Instead, I teach God’s word, care for people in need, pray, and encourage all of us to grow in faith. Part of my teaching and encour- agement is in the area of financial stewardship, so let me add a few words of Biblical wisdom as we each con- sider how best to support Broadway.

2 Corinthians 9:8 speaks to our faithful response to the financial needs of the church: And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. These words are a statement of faith in God’s ability to provide what we need so that we can, in turn, provide for the church. God blesses us so we can bless others and support the “good work” of His King- dom.

Our church needs your generous, consistent giving to meet the obligations of our annual budget, as ap- proved by the congregation each year. In addition, needs arise outside the budget for building projects, mission support or unexpected ministry expenses. As you feel led, you may contribute to these needs beyond your usu- al giving toward the annual budget.

We appreciate every contribution, no matter the amount or designation, and we believe that God will continue to bless us abundantly, so that in all things, our church will have what we need to abound in good work to the glory of Jesus our Lord.

Picture of update

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