September 2022 Message From Pastor Mike: “Iron Sharpens Iron”

We believe the Bible is true, authoritative and transformative. We believe this based not only on our theological tradition, but because we have experienced the life-changing power of studying and obeying God’s word. We find comfort in the truth of scripture. We hear God’s wisdom spoken from the Bible. We feel the Holy Spirit moving in our hearts as we read God’s word.

As we enter the fall church season, several ministries will resume, and at the heart of each one will be reading, studying and discussing God’s life-changing truth in the Bible.

The youth Sunday School class will study Revelation this fall. Laura Mirakian leads this group for teenagers that meets upstairs in room 208 (the Wii room).

The adult Sunday School class will read through the New Testament as we continue Immerse: Messiah. Ron Burwell, Colleen Felts and I will take turns leading this group that meets downstairs in the fellowship area.

The Women’s Fellowship will meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. in the adult classroom. This group will watch and discuss The Chosen, a cinematic presentation of the Gospels.

The Pastor’s Bible Study, led by me, will meet on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. to study John’s Gospel. We meet in the fellowship area.

I hope you will join one or more of these groups and will open your heart to the truth and transforma-tive power of scripture. We study God’s word together as a church family because we believe the Spirit reveals truth to us in unique and meaningful ways as we discuss scripture. When I lead a Bible study, I often learn new insights from those who attend. Even as a pastor and teacher, I am challenged to look at familiar passages of scripture from different perspectives as I listen to the ideas and questions of others.
“Iron sharpens iron,” as Proverbs 27:17 tells us. We learn from each other, and we grow together in faith and obedience. In reality, we learn from the Spirit, who moves in and can speak through each believer. The Spirit may help you see a facet of truth that I have missed, and as we discuss God’s word together, others will be encouraged, challenged and inspired by our shared insights.

Reading and studying scripture has always been central to the life of the church. Believers feed on God’s word and are shaped by it. Paul reminded Timothy of the power and usefulness of God’s word: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 tim-othy 3:16).

We want scripture to be “useful” in our lives and our church. Sometimes that means being open to cor-rection or even rebuke when our ideas miss the mark of God’s truth. Sometimes it means trusting that what we read in the Bible is true and good even if we struggle to understand it. Sometimes it means confessing that we have not lived up to God’s standard of righteousness as revealed in scripture. Sometimes it means finding comfort and hope in God’s word when the world around us offers only fear and anger.

For those in our church family who can’t attend ministries in person, I hope will set aside time each day to read scripture and pray over what the Spirit reveals to you. As you take more of God’s word into your heart, you will grow stronger to face life’s hardships and you will become wiser to deal with the uncertainties of tomorro

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