November 2022 Message From Pastor Mike: “Always Thankful, Always Blessed”

We need to make time in our busy, stressful lives to praise God and acknowledge His goodness. Whether life is good, or things are hard. When we have plenty, and when we feel in need. Whatever the circumstances we face today, it’s good for our souls to lift up hands and hearts in worship, giving thanks to God who is al-ways faithful. That’s why Thanksgiving matters.

In our home, we write important reminders on the calendar in the kitchen. Appointments, birthdays, fun activities and work commitments all get a special note to remind us what we need to do each day of the month. I imagine calendars in all of our homes came printed with a reminder on November 24. That’s the day we will give thanks to God for His many blessings.

It doesn’t mean that life will be perfect on that day. It’s not a promise that your family will all be together, that everyone will be healthy, that all the bills will be paid, and that all your needs will be satisfied. If you were to wait for a day when all those boxes will be checked, you would never get around to Thanksgiving.
So, we put it on the calendar ahead of time. We decide we will give thanks that day no matter what the cir-cumstances of our lives happen to be like when Thanksgiving Day arrives. It’s a spiritual discipline, a choice we make in faith to praise God and give Him thanks, believing that He is good, kind and gracious all the time.

Of course, we have countless reasons to give thanks every day, every moment of every day. Give thanks that God hears your prayers. Give thanks that He walks with you through hard moments. Give thanks that He protects and provides. Give thanks that He loves you despite your sin. Give thanks that Jesus is your Savior who opened the way for you to know and love God forever.

I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends. I hope dinner is delicious and that there is pie for everyone. I hope you take time around the table to say thank you to God for His many blessings.
I also hope you will help others enjoy their Thanksgiving by giving generously to those in need. During November, we will gather food and money to give Thanksgiving Baskets to families connected with our church. What you give will help others feel God’s love.

In addition to all this, I hope you will join us the evening before Thanksgiving for a special worship service with our brothers and sisters from Vida Eterna. Pastor Mario and I are planning a joint service of thanksgiving and praise in both Spanish and English that will unite our two congregations. We are excited to share God’s word and sing songs of praise in both languages, living out the unity and mutual support we so often pray for.

Thanksgiving worship will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, and after the service, we will gather downstairs for fellowship over pie and coffee. Watch for more details about this special service and how you can help.

So, mark your calendar and set aside the time to say thanks to our good and mighty God. He deserves all our praise and all our thanksgiving.

Picture of update

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