January 2024 Message From Pastor Mike: “Hope for Better Days”

Even during a leap year, February is the shortest and the longest month. This time of year, we feel op-pressed by the relentless weight of winter. Cold air and darkness have settled in, and it feels like winter’s cruel grip will never be broken.

But we have hope. We believe in the God who gives us reason to rejoice in the morning after a long night of weeping (Psalm 30:5). We believe in the God who renews and revives. We believe in the God who created this world and who marks out times and seasons (Daniel 2:21). Spring will come again, just as it always has, in accordance with God’s good design for the world He made and for the people He loves.
So, let’s set our hope on the good things yet to come.
Soon the sun will shine longer and warmer each day, melting away snow and ice. Soon trees will send forth flowers and leaves, filling our world with the green hues of growth and life. Soon birds will sing and bees will buzz.

It’s also good to look forward to visits from family and time with those we love. You might have travel plans for the summer or will invite others to come see you. Looking forward to good things keeps us healthy and happy.
Maybe there are new adventures or fresh opportunities that you hope to pursue in the days ahead. Instead of feeling stuck where you are by bad weather or sapped motivation, set goals for the future and embrace your ambition for better days. God created us to do good work (Ephesians 2:10) and to lead productive lives, so strive forward with hopeful purpose.

We also rejoice in the hope of another Easter celebration. We will tell the story again of Jesus walking among us with determination to the place where He bled and died for our sins. We will remember God’s love that sent our Savior to the cross. And then we will celebrate His glorious resurrection. We will sing again that “He lives!” We will cling to the hope of new life that overcomes darkness, sorrow and death.

Just as we rejoice in the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, we also look forward with faithful expectation for His return. One day, Jesus is going to come back and set all things right, carrying us into the new heaven and new earth God has promised. That is our great hope. No matter what we face in this life, no matter what today feels like or what tomorrow may bring, we set our hearts on the hope of Jesus’ second coming and the fulfillment of all God has planned for us.

The hope of Jesus’ return also points us ahead to the glories of heaven. Jesus promised to prepare a place for us, a new and everlasting home with all God’s people (John 14:2-3). Heaven will be perfect in every way and far, far better than anything we experience in this life. All fear, sorrow and pain will be washed away. We will no longer be tempted or deceived. Best of all, we will see God face-to-face and rejoice before His throne forever.
So, there are good things coming, wonderful things on which to set our hope. Today may feel cold and dark, but we know spring and Easter and Jesus are coming soon. Set your heart on God’s good promises and feel the warmth of His perfect love. Nothing in this life lasts for long, but the good things of God endure forev-er.


Picture of update

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