June 2024 Message From Pastor Mike: “Seeking God’s Best this Summer and Beyond”

Our ministry season tends to run from fall through spring, with quieter weeks during the summer. While we continue to gather each Sunday for worship and care for each other faithfully year-round, summer’s less busy schedule gives us an opportunity for more time in prayer and reflection over the things that matter to God.
So, let me invite you to add some important items to your prayer list this summer:

Pray for our newly elected Leadership Team, including Keith, Colleen, Sue, Ron and Jeanine. Ask God to give them energy and time to serve the needs of our church. Effective church leaders listen to God’s voice and have hearts willing to trust and serve others in the congregation. Pray for wisdom and clear leading for decisions that need to be made to keep our ministries running smoothly and fruitfully.

Pray for gifted people to serve in our church. We depend on many people doing lots of jobs at Broadway, from care-givers, musicians and teachers to administers, accountants and property managers. Ask God to give strength to those who currently serve and to raise up others who are willing to put their gifts to work in our ministries. (Thank you to all who faithfully keep our church going with your hard work and dedi-cation.)
Pray for the continued financial stability of our church. God has blessed Broadway abundantly over the years with consistent and generous giving. We have weathered hard economic times, including the pan-demic years, and have been able to sustain our ministries and care well for our property. Pray that God would meet the needs of our members so we can generously and cheerfully meet the needs of our church.

Pray for unity and peace in our church through the election season. Many congregations have been torn apart by politics and social issues in recent years, some even choosing to close their doors in the wake of hurtful divisions. Broadway has largely avoided these tensions and has shown an ability to listen graciously to one another and to set aside differences for the sake of maintaining unity. Ask God to hold us together in love and to protect us from divisive attitudes and harmful words.

Pray for the Covenant Annual Meeting later this month in Cincinnati. This year’s meeting should be largely free from the controversy and conflict of recent years, but we still depend on God’s provision and blessing. Ask our Lord to give wisdom to Covenant leaders and to bind us together in faith and commitment to our shared mission. Pray for those being ordained and for those sent on the mission field. Pray that the good news of Jesus will remain at the center of everything the Covenant does.

Pray for our sister churches in northern Illinois, including Vida Eterna. We are not alone in minis-try and are blessed to have strong connections with local Covenant churches. Ask God to meet their needs and keep them focused on the mission of sharing Jesus’ love and message with our community. May each of our churches be a light to those around us, and may we see the fruit of our shared ministry.

Picture of update

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