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September 2024 Message From Pastor Mike: “Fall Ministry Season Begins “

September marks the beginning of our new ministry season, and we trust God will continue to bind our church together in loving fellowship and help each of us grow in faith in the coming days. Let me encourage you to make time in your schedule to participate in one or more of our ministries this fall.

Sunday School resumes on September 8 and will be led this year by several experienced and gifted teachers. The group studies the Bible and explores topics of interest to our spiritual lives, engaging in encouraging and insightful conversation. We will begin with a study of the Old Testament prophet Elijah and how his experiences speak into our culture. Sunday School meets in the adult classroom at 9:00 a.m.

I lead the Pastor’s Bible Study each Thursday at 10:30 a.m. We will begin meeting September 5, picking up where we lift off in the Gospel of Luke. In addition to digging into God’s word, we share meaningful conversations about current events and topics relevant to life today.

Women’s Fellowship meets each Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the adult classroom. This group will resume meeting on September 3 under the faithful leadership of Colleen Felts. All women in the church are welcome to join in this time of studying God’s word and encouraging one another in faith.

The Tuesday Morning Prayer group gathers year-round at 8:30 a.m. to pray over needs in our church family. This small but faithful group believes in God’s grace and power to heal and renew. We lift up prayer requests submitted to the church as well as the needs of our city and world.

Sunday morning Worship takes place at 10:15 a.m. throughout the year. We sing, pray, read God’s word, share ministry updates and enjoy the blessing of fellowship together. If you can’t join us in-person, our worship services are live-streamed on the church website, Facebook and YouTube.

On Sunday, September 8, we will gather after worship for our Church Picnic. This year’s picnic will be held in the dining hall, and we invite each person or family to bring a side dish to share along with the fried chicken and drinks provided by the church. This annual time of fellowship helps us celebrate the beginning of the fall ministry season.

Some members of our church family have participated faithfully in these ministries for years, and we always welcome others to join us. Spiritual growth accelerates when you share meaningful time with other believers. We worship together. We pray together. We read God’s word together. And together we are shaped more and more into the image of Jesus our Savior.

In addition to these scheduled ministry events, let’s also not forget to care for one another. Phone calls, text messages, visits, notes in the mail and friendly greetings on a Sunday morning help everyone feel loved. We pray for each other. We offer help in times of need. We share meals together. We love one another in practical and encouraging ways. Broadway has always been a loving congregation, and that will continue as we each care for those around us.

Scripture assures us, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). I hope you will engage often and joyfully in our ministries and fellowship this fall. As you do, we will all be blessed by the Spirit’s work in and through each member of our church family.




Picture of update

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