Happy New Year from the Mission, Evangelism & Outreach Committee. This month please pray for Missionary Aviation Repair Center (MARC). “MARC started as an organized aviation maintenance facility for Alaskan missions in 1964 by Roald and Harriett Amundsen. Within a year, God provided a Cessna 180 and led them to provide not only quality maintenance, but also safe, efficient, and economical transportation for missionaries who did not have their own aircraft. Today with more than 230 villages inaccessible except by sea or air, Alaska has unique ministry concerns, and it’s the remote nature of the people they need to reach that necessitates their aviation ministry. Alaska is also a place of pronounced spiritual and physical needs exaggerated by isolation and harsh conditions. Their purpose is to serve God there. MARC’s mission
is to expand the reach of the Gospel in Alaska by: Flying people and supplies where there are no roads; Supporting other missionaries and their aircraft; and Training missionary-minded pilots and mechanics.”
For more information see www.marcalaska.org.
Peter & Ruth Dutton-Thailand
Praise: New church in Thailand and for the growth of the work there.
Pray: Continuing unity among Thai churches who are working together to see the gospel shared in the
least churched part of Thailand.